
If you want to master the art of content writing, you should take this course—for six reasons.

Number one. This isn’t a course. It’s a masterclass. This isn’t one of those courses that some guy put together in his basement in a morning. This is a masterclass, taught by a master content writer. It features more than eight hours of content, all designed to make you a better, more-effective content writer.

Number two. This masterclass is practical. Enough with the theory, already. You aren’t here to learn concepts and principles. You are here to learn how to craft content that attracts readers, educates buyers, and engages customers. You are here for practical tactics, tips, and tricks. This masterclass delivers. I show you dozens of examples of real-world content-writing assignments. You look over my shoulder as I write blog posts, video scripts, social media posts and more.

Number three. You aren’t taking this masterclass for the good of your health. You want to master skills that make you more valuable as a content writer. That’s why I teach you how to write only the top assignments. Go only, research the most common, the most popular, the most effective types of content around today, and you’ll discover that these are the only types of content that I teach you to write. I’m talking blog posts, whitepapers, case studies, video scripts, eBooks, social media posts, and more.

The fourth reason you should take this masterclass is me, if I may say so. I’m Alan Sharpe, B2B content writer and copywriter. I wrote my first piece of content way back in 1988, before the internet, and before content marketing, were even a thing. In the last three decades I have transitioned from offline to online, from print to digital, and from copy to content. Today, I spend my days crafting B2B content for global brands. I know what they want, what works with today’s B2B buyers, and how to craft content that generates results. I teach you all that I know in this masterclass.

Number five. Let’s talk about the boredom factor of plenty of online courses. You know the ones I mean. All you get is slide after slide of a PowerPoint presentation, narrated by some disembodied voice, an instructor who talks in a monotone, and does nothing more than read the slides on your screen word for word, or rambles on and on with no clear lesson plan. Deadly! Enough with death by PowerPoint! In this masterclass, you get me, live and in person, talking with you, looking you in the eye, teaching you, encouraging you, communicating with you, and giving you examples of everything I teach.

Number six, and your final reason, coaching. This masterclass includes coaching, free of charge. I give you multiple content-writing assignments to complete, then I give you my constructive feedback. I read your assignments, I tell you what works, I tell you what doesn’t. I tell you what you must do to improve your content-writing skills. This coaching alone is worth the price of admission. I mark roughly 20 assignments a day. That’s 140 assignments a week, 600 a month, more than 7,000 a year. That’s how popular I am as a content-writing coach. If you need coaching, this content-writing masterclass is for you.

OK, that’s six solid reasons for taking this content-writing masterclass right now. If you need a few more, be my guest. Read the detailed class description below. Read the reviews from my many satisfied students. Watch the many free lesson previews. Then enroll now.


If you want to master the art of content writing, you should take this course—for six reasons.

Number one. This isn’t a course. It’s a masterclass. This isn’t one of those courses that some guy put together in his basement in a morning. This is a masterclass, taught by a master content writer. It features more than eight hours of content, all designed to make you a better, more-effective content writer.

Number two. This masterclass is practical. Enough with the theory, already. You aren’t here to learn concepts and principles. You are here to learn how to craft content that attracts readers, educates buyers, and engages customers. You are here for practical tactics, tips, and tricks. This masterclass delivers. I show you dozens of examples of real-world content-writing assignments. You look over my shoulder as I write blog posts, video scripts, social media posts and more.

Number three. You aren’t taking this masterclass for the good of your health. You want to master skills that make you more valuable as a content writer. That’s why I teach you how to write only the top assignments. Go only, research the most common, the most popular, the most effective types of content around today, and you’ll discover that these are the only types of content that I teach you to write. I’m talking blog posts, whitepapers, case studies, video scripts, eBooks, social media posts, and more.

The fourth reason you should take this masterclass is me, if I may say so. I’m Alan Sharpe, B2B content writer and copywriter. I wrote my first piece of content way back in 1988, before the internet, and before content marketing, were even a thing. In the last three decades I have transitioned from offline to online, from print to digital, and from copy to content. Today, I spend my days crafting B2B content for global brands. I know what they want, what works with today’s B2B buyers, and how to craft content that generates results. I teach you all that I know in this masterclass.

Number five. Let’s talk about the boredom factor of plenty of online courses. You know the ones I mean. All you get is slide after slide of a PowerPoint presentation, narrated by some disembodied voice, an instructor who talks in a monotone, and does nothing more than read the slides on your screen word for word, or rambles on and on with no clear lesson plan. Deadly! Enough with death by PowerPoint! In this masterclass, you get me, live and in person, talking with you, looking you in the eye, teaching you, encouraging you, communicating with you, and giving you examples of everything I teach.

Number six, and your final reason, coaching. This masterclass includes coaching, free of charge. I give you multiple content-writing assignments to complete, then I give you my constructive feedback. I read your assignments, I tell you what works, I tell you what doesn’t. I tell you what you must do to improve your content-writing skills. This coaching alone is worth the price of admission. I mark roughly 20 assignments a day. That’s 140 assignments a week, 600 a month, more than 7,000 a year. That’s how popular I am as a content-writing coach. If you need coaching, this content-writing masterclass is for you.

OK, that’s six solid reasons for taking this content-writing masterclass right now. If you need a few more, be my guest. Read the detailed class description below. Read the reviews from my many satisfied students. Watch the many free lesson previews. Then enroll now.

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Make all the 'write' moves with our course in content marketing  :)
Content Creation and Marketing is the most-needed skill today!!

COPY is the heart and soul of any marketing collateral. It is the foundation of anything do you digitally

  • This course will help you write your copy that tells your story and sells your brand. The bonus and best part of the course is latest AI tools and prompts to help you create better content.

  • Learn about different types of copywriting, storytelling and neuro marketing principles to use when writing copy for the online mediums. This course will cover how you can better understand your target audience and create relevant content for them

  • This course teaches how to draft effective and clear headline, intros , titles for content pieces and develop an understanding of the tone and voice of your brand or yourself.

  • You will generate endless content ideas and will be aware about various valuable tools available online like Uber suggest, Headline Analyzer and so many more ...once you finish the course.

  • Practical approach to creating and editing content will be shared along with real-life brand examples throughout the course.

  • You will learn how to optimize content for good search engine visibility and get an understanding about keywords

  • At last, you will also learn the ways to edit the content you create and make it more relevant an consumable

    So develop your voice, build your brand and discover content style & structure strategies with this course.

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Make all the 'write' moves with our course in content marketing  :)
Content Creation and Marketing is the most-needed skill today!!

COPY is the heart and soul of any marketing collateral. It is the foundation of anything do you digitally

  • This course will help you write your copy that tells your story and sells your brand. The bonus and best part of the course is latest AI tools and prompts to help you create better content.

  • Learn about different types of copywriting, storytelling and neuro marketing principles to use when writing copy for the online mediums. This course will cover how you can better understand your target audience and create relevant content for them

  • This course teaches how to draft effective and clear headline, intros , titles for content pieces and develop an understanding of the tone and voice of your brand or yourself.

  • You will generate endless content ideas and will be aware about various valuable tools available online like Uber suggest, Headline Analyzer and so many more ...once you finish the course.

  • Practical approach to creating and editing content will be shared along with real-life brand examples throughout the course.

  • You will learn how to optimize content for good search engine visibility and get an understanding about keywords

  • At last, you will also learn the ways to edit the content you create and make it more relevant an consumable

    So develop your voice, build your brand and discover content style & structure strategies with this course.


You want to write great copy, but you don't know where to start.

It's hard to know where to start when it comes to writing great copy. Most people think that good copy is all about being clever or funny, but that's not always the case.

Closercopy AI Content Writing Course is the perfect place for you to start learning how to write great copy. Our course will teach you how to identify your audience, understand their needs, and create content that speaks directly to them.

In this course, you will learn :

How to write an informational article

how to write a commercial article

how to do research for writing

How to optimize content to rank 1st


AI Technologies

Inconsistencies of Closercopy



Editor Guide

Long-Form Template

Frameworks Template

Workflows Template

Compete Template

Insight Template

Another great benefit of this course is that you will get to learn from the best. Our team of experienced content writers will guide you through the entire process, and you will be able to ask them any questions you have along the way.

We recommend that you take our course if you want to improve your copywriting skills and learn how to write great content that will engage your audience. Enroll now and let Closercopy show you the ropes!


You want to write great copy, but you don't know where to start.

It's hard to know where to start when it comes to writing great copy. Most people think that good copy is all about being clever or funny, but that's not always the case.

Closercopy AI Content Writing Course is the perfect place for you to start learning how to write great copy. Our course will teach you how to identify your audience, understand their needs, and create content that speaks directly to them.

In this course, you will learn :

How to write an informational article

how to write a commercial article

how to do research for writing

How to optimize content to rank 1st


AI Technologies

Inconsistencies of Closercopy



Editor Guide

Long-Form Template

Frameworks Template

Workflows Template

Compete Template

Insight Template

Another great benefit of this course is that you will get to learn from the best. Our team of experienced content writers will guide you through the entire process, and you will be able to ask them any questions you have along the way.

We recommend that you take our course if you want to improve your copywriting skills and learn how to write great content that will engage your audience. Enroll now and let Closercopy show you the ropes!

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Worried you don't have enough time to write all the content you need?

Jasper AI can take care of all your content needs. We'll help you write blog articles, social media posts, and even sales emails - so you can spend your time on more important tasks.

Jasper AI is an artificial intelligence platform that can help you write better content faster and more effectively. With Jasper AI, you can create high-quality, SEO-friendly content in a fraction of the time it would normally take you to write it yourself.

You'll be able to produce high-quality content that engages your audience and drives results. Plus, our jasper AI course will show you how to do it yourself so you can keep up the quality over time.

With our easy-to-follow course, you'll be able to write content that will engage and persuade your audience. Jasper AI makes it easy to create top-notch content in minutes - so you can focus on what's important, your business.

Jasper AI is the course you've been waiting for. Enroll now and be among the first to experience this innovative new way of learning AI. With Jasper AI, you'll get ahead of the competition and be able to take your career to new heights.

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Worried you don't have enough time to write all the content you need?

Jasper AI can take care of all your content needs. We'll help you write blog articles, social media posts, and even sales emails - so you can spend your time on more important tasks.

Jasper AI is an artificial intelligence platform that can help you write better content faster and more effectively. With Jasper AI, you can create high-quality, SEO-friendly content in a fraction of the time it would normally take you to write it yourself.

You'll be able to produce high-quality content that engages your audience and drives results. Plus, our jasper AI course will show you how to do it yourself so you can keep up the quality over time.

With our easy-to-follow course, you'll be able to write content that will engage and persuade your audience. Jasper AI makes it easy to create top-notch content in minutes - so you can focus on what's important, your business.

Jasper AI is the course you've been waiting for. Enroll now and be among the first to experience this innovative new way of learning AI. With Jasper AI, you'll get ahead of the competition and be able to take your career to new heights.